NEMO Equipment Founder and CEO Cam Brensinger shared Derryfield instilled in him a love for physics, creative writing, and studio art which led him to continue his studies at Middlebury College. He quipped his only plan for post-graduation was to climb Denali with some friends.
The adventure proved to be life-changing, as it spawned the aspiration to launch a climbing gear company. With encouragement from his father to further his education in a relevant field, Brensinger enrolled at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), where he concentrated in industrial and product design.
In 2002, three days after graduation from RISD, Brensinger opened the first NEMO Equipment Office. He characterized himself as a “naive entrepreneur,” with only $7,500 to his name and a business plan that promised profitability in six months. Brensinger quickly clarified it took $8.5 million in investment and 12 years to truly become profitable.
“As a majority family-owned and founder-led business, we make decisions with a long view of our future. We’re here to build a lasting and iconic brand, and that informs everything we do.” Brensinger recalled his years at Derryfield as a member of the tennis, Nordic skiing, and lacrosse teams, and a student of the arts and sciences. He shared that the NEMO mantra, “never bring anything to market that doesn’t offer a meaningfully better experience than what’s already out there,” was rooted in his high school English lessons with Mr. Anthony. Mr. Anthony would never allow his students to write something if it had already been said and encouraged them to reject cliches, instead being innovative and creative in their work.
Brensinger lives in Stratham, NH with his wife and two adventurous children. NEMO Equipment remains headquartered in Dover, NH.
“Mr. Anthony’s class at Derryfield was really foundational for the thinking that sprouted our company. He never accepted writing that had already been said another way. He demanded we be innovative and creative. We’re seeking to do that every day at NEMO.”