Mackenzie Logan

Mackenzie Logan

MacKenzie Logan graduated from Derryfield in 2011 with a dream of one day starting her own business. She furthered her education at the University of New Hampshire and left there with a degree in Business and Economics. For the past few years, her career has been mainly focused on marketing. During the pandemic, she was working from home as a marketing coordinator, and although she enjoyed what she was doing, she felt like she wanted to be doing something more. While working full time from home, she organized a book drive for community organizations on the seacoast. The drive brought in 5,000 books that Logan then donated back to her community. She also started an Etsy account for her handcrafted seashell ornaments and sold over 1,000 of them. Yet the dream of starting her own bricks and mortar business still remained in the back of her mind. So when Logan stumbled upon a building for rent and realized it would be a perfect place for a coffee shop, she was able to make her dream a reality. She renovated a beachfront storefront in Hampton, NH and called it Flamingos Coffee Bar. From the fun wallpaper to the vivacious furniture to the heavenly drinks and food, this place has it all.

“Derryfield instilled in me a really hard work ethic and prepared me for working through things. Once you start something, you finish it! That is the Derryfield way!”
